How should we think about recent incidents of violence and anti- social behaviour by first and second-generation immigrants? Or should we just not think about them at all, for fear of thinking something politically incorrect?
Last Friday Victoria police announced they were investigating the attack and robbery of a 27-year old man by a group of young people “perceived to be of African appearance” while he paid for a parking ticket in Melbourne’s central business district.
Earlier this month a group of young people, described by their victim as “African”, were reported to have bashed a 73-year-old man living opposite a house in Hawthorn they had rented for an all-night party.
We heard the same story in April when a group of young people — again of “African appearance”, according to police — rented a North Melbourne property online for a short-term stay using a stolen credit card and false identity. They partied hard, trashed the house and, on their way out, were reported to have stomped on police cars and thrown garbage bins at police.